An Embarrassing Reminder!

Even as a professional in my field I sometimes make mistakes with my animals. Little things that may seem inconsequential may mean the world to our animal family members. 

After a fun gathering with friends I looked back at some photographs and to my surprise saw this.......

Amused to see the look of joy on my face in drastic contrast to that of my dog Cheyenne
(I think the picture says it all) I was also a bit surprised.

My passion and calling is to give animals a voice. The most important aspect of that is to be in tune with how they are feeling and what they are thinking on a deep level. Before any of that can be achieved, we must be intentional about wanting that level of understanding about our animals.

Often, people feel that they are meeting the emotional needs of their animals because they love their pets and treat them well. However, as in the case of an adopted Border Collie named Ryan, I was told that although he feels well cared for and loved by his family, he has not fully integrated the belief that he is staying in his current home. His adoptive family expressed that they would never get rid of Ryan but it took my experience and skills to pick up on Ryan's uncertainty. As a result of our session, Ryan's symptoms of anxiety dissipated. 

So why was Cheyenne not enjoying the party?  Cheyenne does not like being held. However, she had jumped up on my lap because she was feeling anxious with some new guests in our home. Granted, this was a split second moment that was over very fast.  No damage done.

But over the long haul it is paramount to our animal's happiness and well-being to take the time to truly listen to their thoughts and feelings. This added extra effort is always what animals tell me they are incredibly grateful for.

Develop a deeper understanding of your animal. Schedule an animal communication session today!