Voice Of Experience (Getting The Full Story)

Persistence is a key component in animal communication. Animals communicate thoughts and feelings that they feel are significant. Oftentimes they relay the information in quick bursts. As an experienced communicator I know when to ask the animal to go back, slow it down, and provide clarification.  

During a recent animal communication session Zoe, a female dog, showed me her food bowl nearby but did not show herself eating out of the bowl. Her comment was, "I like to eat like a baby." I could sense that the fact that Zoe was not eating out of her bowl was important. 

Zoe's human, Diana, exclaimed, "Zoe will only eat from someone's hand!"

As opposed to the two dogs who lived in the same home prior to her, Zoe was more of a "baby," in her role and this was more in keeping with how she preferred to be treated. She was using the example of being hand-fed to show something that happens in her life that signifies her personality and how it is different than her predecessors. This was significant because she was describing how she has a different relationship with her human than the previous dogs.

Not willing to miss anything is an essential quality in a professional animal communicator. Animals often convey what they are feeling in images with feelings attached. Persistence in capturing the full picture from an animal is key. Zoe also kept taking me back to a blue book sitting on a shelf. Diana said this is likely a shelf in her office where she does have alot of books. However, she wasn't sure what this book meant. I advised her to keep this book in the "back of her mind," as I believed Zoe was very persistent in showing it to me. A few days after our call, Diana emailed me to explain that she found the book. It was a photo album and had "deep significance." 

I am often serving as an animals' first ever opportunity to be fully heard. The animal's human is anticipating receiving the complete story and therefore I have a responsibility to accurately receive everything from the animal that they are attempting to relay.  This is a skill that is usually honed over time and my dedication to reaching this level of clarity in my animal communication sessions is my mission.

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