The Surprise Gift Of Love

For three years I didn't return.

It was the mountain where my fur-baby, teacher and best friend, Meesha and I used to hike.

I took Meesha there the day before she left her physical body.  Meesha, as any animal lover would understand, was and always will be, a part of my heart.

I had not been able to visit that mountain until this past September. I had been
allowing avoidance of potential emotional discomfort to keep me from going there. It was three years later, almost to the day, when I finally went back. I was strengthened by the presence of some adopted spiritual brothers and sisters, along with my dog, Cheyenne.

Adopted family members, as most animal lovers know, are incredibly special.

Meesha's passing actually led to me meeting this group of people through a series of incredible unforseen twists and turns on my spiritual journey.  

Over the years I have made many friends because of the work that I do helping people with their animals. People from all over the country and the world who have continued to inspire me because of their immense dedication to their animals. Animals and people have motivated me to provide the deepest and most meaningful communication, sometimes during extremely difficult circumstances. These are the bonds that are created when doing spiritual work and for me animals have been the driving force.

I have a special love for all of the animals and people who I connect with in the work that I do. That is the surprise gift of animal communication that I did not realize was coming to me when I started down this path over eleven years ago. I am filled with gratitude for each and every human and animal that has enriched my life along the way. 

Costa Rica Animal Communication 2017! Don’t miss this amazing journey of the heart. Learn more now