Horse Talk! Fascinating Insights About Carriage Pulling and Racing

Over the course of one week I was reminded of two ongoing issues having to do with horses; I felt the intuitive 'tap on the shoulder' to write about them.

The first involves horses working in cities giving carriage rides. The second being horse track races. I was reminded of the former during a trip to New Orleans and the latter, because another horse collapsed and died recently after a race in Ireland. As usual, this blog is a place to provide the animal's perspective, so I am not writing about the human opinion, debates or politics. I remain focused in the light of where the animals take us in our communications.

Due to ethical concerns,unless given specific permission from an animal's caretaker,it is not usually considered appropriate in the world of animal communication to ask deeper questions about their lives. However, I do frequently pick up on a horse's energy and will have brief conversations. Sometimes I cannot help what they share with me.
The information I have received over time has been a mixed bag. Generally speaking the better the relationship between the horse and the caregiver, the better the horse feels, even if it is not an ideal situation. You will learn more about why this is later on in this article.

No assumptions
I have been in the position to communicate with horses who previously worked as race horses and now spend time both in a stable as well as in a pasture. Some horses express lack of contentment with their current situation because they do not have enough pasture time and feel cooped up and confined in their stable. Some of these horses enjoyed and felt very proud of their racing days. However, there are those that have suffered injury and have not felt properly respected and understood as sentient beings. Some have required help to heal from their past mistreatment.
My feeling from horses that are giving people rides in Manhattan and other cities is also varied. As I used to live in NYC and now in one of it's suburbs, I have had the opportunity to be around horses there enough to gain a relatively diverse range of horse insight. Generally speaking, I have received from the horses that it is not a particularly positive experience to be working in loud, noisy, polluted city with extreme temperatures at times and doing monotonous work. Especially since most city horses do return to a stable, as opposed to a pasture, when their daily work is done. I know I often felt this way returning to my apartment in The Bronx.

In order to gain some additional insight, I did ask one previous race horse, Max, what he has to say about these kinds of horse “jobs?” As is common when we ask the animals for their thoughts, Max took our conversation in a whole other direction not having to do with good vs bad:
Max: Basically we’re fulfilling a purpose. On this earth we hold ground for others. In the meantime we are waiting for you to elevate.
We provide a higher vibration on this planet. We have purpose despite what it looks like. There is more going on than meets the eye. We wait patiently and we connect you to the ground. Hooves to the earth.
Anne: What is different about you from dogs and cats?
Max: You ride us.
Anne: And…
Max: How fast we can go-(Max shows fire behind horses as they are running). Fire is a symbol for our healing energy. We have the capacity to bring about change fast and quick. We are love. We are heart healers. Big energy. Heart shapers. We can reconstruct a heart. (Max shows me BIG gold and white light). It’s our vibration. We scan, we see. We reconstruct, we reconnect. Big love, big power. In order to serve this bigger purpose as we were created to do by God, we have to be close to you. We sacrifice, sometimes, in this way. It doesn’t mean that we are always happy about it in the moment but there is a bigger picture.
Anne: I thank Max and his kind for the love and the selfless gifts that they provide on this earth.

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