Think I'm Crazy?

It's a fine line between sounding crazy and wanting to speak the truth when you want to help people to understand what animals are capable of.

Well meaning loved ones have once again brought to my attention something that I periodically forget. That is, most people have no idea what it means to communicate with animals. Most people that I talk with assume that animal communication simply means that I can observe an animals' behavior and by doing so, know what they are thinking based upon that observation. Animal communication is different than this. Animal communication is really sensing or "knowing" what an animal is thinking or feeling. This can be done by connnecting with the animal in a deep way. Most people have had an experience of knowing who is calling before they pick up the phone. Most will acknowledge that this has happened to them. There is a direct connection between this type of experience and animal communication. The only difference is that when I communicate with animals, I am making it my intention to use this "sixth sense" for the purpose of knowing what an animal is thinking or feeling. It's actually very simple. Animals don't vocalize to communicate, they communicate telepathically. I am just meeting the animal where the animal is at when I communicate with them.

I am always up for discussion and questions about animal communication and what it means.